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George Korsten Vocational Training College – Mpongwe


Give the Children of Mpongwe a Future

Ton Korsten-Korenromp

Ton Korsten-Korenromp founded the Dutch organisation “Geef de Kinderen van Mpongwe een Toekomst (GKMT)” in 2002, after her first visit to the country. Three years later, in November 2005, the organisation was recognised and registered in Zambia as a society under the name “Give the Children of Mpongwe a Future (GCMF)”.

Nine years later, in December 2015, the GCMF was registered as an NGO in the country. Its office is located in the GCMF guesthouse, located at Machiya Road, plot number 5/6/13 in Mpongwe.

The foundations’ aim is to improve the conditions for children in the Mpongwe district regarding health, education, environment, labour and income.

George Korsten Vocational Training College


Education and income in Zambia and the Mpongwe district are serious issues. Furthermore, there is a big scarcity of opportunities for people to become professional craftsmen or to become skilled labourers.

Therefore, in late 2011, the district’s first TEVETA registered college was founded by the GCMF; the George Korsten Vocational Training College (GKVTC).

This college aims to educate students within one year to become professionals in five different specialities. More information about the courses can be found here.

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GKVTC is affiliated with ZCA Monze.